Wednesday, October 3, 2007

And the children shall lead them!

I am blessed to have been called to serve the Lord with His students during this amazing period of history. We are living in a time when pregnancy and drug rates are catching up to the literacy rates in our nations inner city and rural High Schools. Ok, so maybe it's not quite that bad yet but literacy and comprehension rates are on the decline and teen pregnancy and drug use statistics continue to rise. The needle on our nations moral compass is spinning so fast it more closely resembles a fan than a tool for navigation, telling people how to stay "cool", rather than directing them to towards lives of holiness and purity. Where is the blessing in this? It's coming from the students themselves.
Last week millions of students around the globe joined together in prayer around their schools flagpoles to lift up their voices in unison to God to pray for change and holiness. And they didn't stop there. The students in our community continue to meet each morning to hold hands around their flagpole and pray. They are fed up with the way their elders are running the world. They are disgusted with the messages coming out of popular culture and the media. And they're doing the best thing they can do about it, they are asking God to intervene. I couldn't be more proud of these students. Like young Timothy they have taken what they have learned and become convinced of and are using it to help bring God's Kingdom and will to earth. They are tearing down the denominational walls which separated older generations and are joining together as a united front to reclaim this nation for God!

Way to go ladies and gentlemen!


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