Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The power of prayer!

What an amazing week this has been! I just came from the High School where I witnessed 100+ students from all walks of faith gathered around a flag pole praying for their families, school, and nation. I was reminded of another group of believers who gathered around a structure thousands of years ago. Led by a simple man marching silently around the walls of as city. With a simple shout they brought Jericho to the ground in a cloud of dust and rubble. The power of our Lord is an awe inspiring thing when harnessed by His children, and these students did much more than just shout. They began congregating a few at a time around 6:30 am and by 7:15 had joined hands in a large ring of hope and grace. One by one their voices wafted heavenwards, a pleasing and fragrant aroma. Prayers for God to redeem and rescue lost and hurting souls. Prayers for God to come and move mountains and tear down walls. Prayers for God to begin a mighty act here in our schools which would spread like a wildfire throughout the county.

Jesus said “let the little children come”, and “Unless you can approach me with the same deep heartfelt faith of a child you will not inherit My Godly kingdom.” Let us all learn from the example of these young men and women. It is time for all of us to fall down upon our knees and connect with our heavenly Father! Jesus promises us that whenever 2 or 3 of us gather together in His name that He is there with us. Just imagine what would happen if all of us joined together in prayer and earnestly and honestly prayed that His kingdom and rule come and His will be done here on this very earth, just like it is done in heaven. Why must we imagine?


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